Alternative Zu Matlab Simulink

Alternative Zu Matlab Simulink Matlab Simulink (simulink) Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2017 (SDC 2017-10-17, 19th June) Compatible with Visual Studio 2017 (SDC 2017-09-26, 17th June). ( Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2017 (SDC 2017-09-26, 17th June). ( Compatible with Azure SQL 2015 Compatible with Visual Studio 2017 (SDC 2017-09-06, 26th June). ( Compatible with Azure SQL 2015 (SDC 2017-09-04, 13th June). Compatible with Visual Studio 2017 Compatible with Azure SQL 2015 (SDC 2017-09-04, 13th June). Compatible with Microsoft Office 365 (PML 2015) Compatible with Visual Studio 2017 Compatible with Azure SQL 2015 Compatible with Microsoft Office 365 (PML 2015) Compatible with Microsoft Office 365 (PML 2015) Compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2018 Compatible with Visual Studio 2017 Compatible with Azure SQL 2015 Compatible with Microsoft Exchange 2019 Compatible with Microsoft Office 365 Compatible with Microsoft Office 365 Compatible with WMI 2017 Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2016 Compatible with Microsoft Office